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What's "Anagrafica Unica"
AnagraficaUnica is a system developed by Unisalento to unify user management for centralized IT systems of the University. AU collects basic personal data of the various types of University users (students, teachers, technical-administrative staff, etc.) and consolidates them in a private database for the exclusive use of systems whose authentication is then delegated to AU. In this way University users can access almost all the centralized services with a single pair of credentials, while individual systems linked with AU do not have to manage user passwords, for better security.
Which data are stored by AnagraficaUnica?
AU collects basic personal data (surname, name, date and place of birth, role of the user in the University, fiscal code, employee number, basic data on student careers) and manages user passwords (stored in a non-decipherable form). Then, the information needed by user authentication is copied to the University LDAP server, used by the various systems to verify the correctness of the credentials entered by users in the various login forms on systems connected to AU.
What are the data sources of AnagraficaUnica?
Student data is taken directly from the student career management system (Cineca ESSE3) when the student registers itself. Data relating to teachers and T/A personnel are instead retrieved directly from the payroll management system (Cineca's CSA) through a nightly batch operation.
Is the use of a Single Sign-On (SSO) system foreseen?
For some systems (University Portal, ESSE3, Titulus, U-GOV Teaching and Research) the integration with a Shibboleth server has been implemented which, using the data present on the University LDAP server, allows users to access from one of the systems in SSO and to share the session with other compatible systems, without having to re-enter the credentials in the transition from one system to another. Furthermore, this implementation has allowed the integration of the SPID authentication (Public Digital Identity System) and of the CIE (Italian Electronic Identity Card) and thus allowing users to use an additional form of authentication, promoted nationally by AgID. SPID/CIE authentication does not allow users who are not registered/authorized on the University systems to access.
What can I do if I have problems while logging into systems?
To obtain support on authentication problems with systems linked to AnagraficaUnica, you can send an e-mail notification to, taking care to indicate your personal data, tax code, attaching a photo/scan of a valid ID card and of the card with the fiscal code or health card, in addition to what is deemed useful to specify to solve the problem encountered.
Users with SPID or CIE credentials can authenticate themselves on AU public pages to retrieve local AU credentials and change their password.
Please DO NOT use certified e-mail (PEC) to write to the e-mail address above, as that address ( does not support receipt from and response to PEC addresses. For communications/reports via PEC, write exclusively to the PEC address of the University:

For all the problems and reports NOT regarding the access to the Portal, to the student e-mail or to the other systems, please refer to the HelpDesk system (authentication with local AU credentials is required).