Password change
italiano italiano   english english
(*) all fields are mandatory

New password must fulfill the following requirements:
  • minimum length: 8 characters
  • must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase, and one numeric digit
  • may contain the following special chars ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > @
  • cannot contain blanks, letters with accents or other diacritical marks (àéçยง ecc.)
  • must not have already been used before
  • should not be a common password (so being a trivial one)
Please check the vademecum of the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante della Privacy) on how to set a secure password and manage it carefully.
WARNING: some of the characters you typed cannot be used for the password!!  

We remind all users that login credentials are STRICTLY PERSONAL and SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON, even including the technicians of the Computing Department.
The disclosure of login credentials of any of the University of Salento systems to other people, for whatever reason, is a violation of business secrets and will be prosecuted according to law.