List of linked/integrated systems
italiano italiano   english english
University Portal
Old University Portal and Departments/Faculties Portals
Student Portal
University E-Mail
ex and
Username: institutional e-mail address (domains or
myUnisalento Student App
Android app: Play Store
iOS app (iPhone, iPad): App Store
Username: institutional e-mail address
Unisalento "Prendo Posto" App
seat reservation for on-site lessons
Android app: Play Store
iOS app (iPhone, iPad): App Store
Username: institutional e-mail address
Titulus (and Titulus Organi)
Document management and electronic registering system
U-Sign Remote digital signature
Web remote digital signature system U-Sign
Presences management system
U-GOV Didactics and Research
University documentary system (Alfresco)
Username: institutional e-mail address (staff/professors/collaborators, domain
Warehouse management
Username: institutional e-mail address (domain
Logistics management system
(EasyCourse, EasyRoom, EasyTest)
Support services
User's Helpdesk
Username: institutional e-mail address (domains or
University VPN service
Username: institutional e-mail address (domains or
Test management portal for enrollment
On-line traineeships
RIRU database
Human resources department
Username: CSA registration number (staff/professors)
Projects reporting
Username: institutional e-mail address (domain
IDEM identity provider
Service not directly accessible, used by systems/services integrated with the IDEM federated authentication (e.g. to authenticate onto ScienceDirect or Scopus)
Username: institutional e-mail address (domains or
N.B. User authentication onto AU integrated systems is devolved to University LDAP server.
The possession of a pair of valid credentials guarantees access to the systems listed above as long as the user has been expressly authorized to access the particular system.
The password is shared among all AU connected systems, therefore, its modification done through Anagrafica Unica or, to authorized users, via VisPer is immediately effective for all the systems listed above.
Authentication differences between systems listed above are due to their very different nature, but we will progressively proceed to standardize the authentication model to <institutional email> / <LDAP password>